Ruje Alfon

Front-end Web Developer


Phone: +63-9053801178


About Me

A technically savvy web developer, has a long track record of creating dynamic, rich and interesting web portals, and of providing long term solutions to front-end problems. Working in a fast paced environment and producing a high volume of websites. Responsible for participating in the full life cycle of new website development projects, and for implement and maintaining best practice procedures in all areas of work. Also in charge of writing, developing and managing the content of websites. Designing, coding and modifying websites, from layout to function and according to a client’s specifications. Strive to create visually appealing sites that feature user-friendly design and clear navigation.

  • JavaScript
  • VueJs
  • JQuery
  • HTML
  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • CSS3
  • AWS Web Services


Front-End Developer/ March 2020

Maintain website and Android App

Front-End/UI Developer / October 2019

Building an application that will automate the process flow of gauge change using nuxt.js. This project aims to automate the business workflow and consolidate the different processes into a single platform

Galleon PH

Front-End, Back-End Developer / January 2019

Buy Products not in the Philippines

Front-End, Back-End Developer / January 2018

Online Bazaar of Travel Experiences

Front-End, Back-End Developer / January 2017

Fastest Growing Job Community, the Millennial Way to Find Jobs

Galleon PH Order Processing System

Front-End, Back-End Developer / November 2016

Integration of user-facing elements developed by a front-end developers with server side logic

Front-End / September 2016

Thailand shopback website

Front-End Developer / October 2016

A newly released Bootsrap was used in this project which is the version 3. Gives the development much more faster and much more easy.

Front-End Developer / October 2014

Node.js was used when this project started. Its my first time to used another framework on a web project. And so far the goal has been achieved which is to write a large scale website in that kind of framework.

Front-End Developer / March 2014

We experiment in this project by using semantic-ui for CSS framework rather than using the very popular bootsrap. A good choice because of its neat user interface.


BCS Technology International Pty Ltd

Senior Front-end Web Developer

April 2019 - Present

Developing user-facing applications using Vue.js

Building modular and reusable components and libraries

Optimizing your application for performance

Staying up-to-date with all recent developments in the JavaScript and Vue.js space

Keeping an eye on security updates and issues found with Vue.js and all project dependencies

Proposing any upgrades and updates necessary for keeping up with modern security and development best practices

Conceptualisation, planning and implementation of frontend architectures

API Integration from multiple services and state management

Sterling Technologies

Web Developer

March 2014 - April 2019

Skills PHP, MySQL, Ajax, jQuery, Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, XML

Developing and maintaining the front end functionality of websites

Writing cross-browser compliant XHTML, CSS & JavaScript

Developing websites that have a consistent feel and look throughout all web properties

Testing a website & identifying bugs & technical problems

Developing cross-browser and cross-platform compatible solutions

Creating websites that are user-friendly, effective and appealing

Producing, modifying and maintaining websites and web applications

Creating quality web pages

Optimizing web assets for optimal speed and performance

Extensive Knowledge of databases, servers, operating systems

Cyber City Teleservices

MIS Specialist

February 2011 - April 2013


Quality assurance review through multiple QA programs 100% and website validations (ZIP4, USPS, White Pages and Westminster )

Responsible for maintaining the quality of data being processed, data meets requirements & objectives, data validity, verification and quality

Provide feedback to all coordinated departments regarding quality assurance and information regarding detected deficiencies and corrective action needed, following-up with the departments involved until deficiencies are resolved

Submits, Generates, Uploads, Ensure compliance, preparation of reports, compiles cross-departmental reports as needed for billing and management, and attends to various department’s general business operation

Reports on content of reporting requirements data, quickly and manually enters information/ figures accurately when customized reports are demanded

Complete reports for 50+ clients and provide 200+ reports on a daily and weekly , review reports from Main CMS, Back Up CMS and CMS SQL prior to submitting them to specified various recipients

Used Lotus Notes and Visual Cron for sending and emailing

Upload reports using FTP site


Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

March 2009

Saint Joseph Institute of Technology

High School

March 2005

A Little More About Me

Systems Administration – Setting up, configuring and customizing Linux systems remotely on a shared environment, VPS, and cloud infrastructure. Installing, configuring and customizing Apache, NginX, PHP and Node builds. Setting up and configure SSL and server health scripts. Writing scalable and cost effective auto-scaling scripts and implementation.

Database Administration – Setting up and configuring MySQL remotely on a shared environment, VPS, or cloud infrastructure. Writing scalable backup scripts. Installing and configuring SQL databases. Optimizing database queries. Maintaining and migrating databases larger than 4GB. Creating and maintaining read/write replicas and shards. Writing scalable and cost effective auto-scaling scripts and implementation.

Cache Administration – Setting up and configuring Redis, and Solr remotely on a VPS and cloud infrastructure. Writing scalable backup scripts. Optimizing search rules. Maintaining and migrating data larger than 4GB. Creating and maintaining read/write replicas and shards. Writing scalable and cost effective auto-scaling scripts and implementation.

Version Control Management – Maintaining open source, private and personal GitHub repositories. Clearly describing commits and merges. Frequently comments on commits by others and contributes to the Open Source community. Follows the GIT or GitHub Flow. Effectively create version releases on GitHub and NPM.

Open Source Management – Frequently answers questions regarding code created by the company with an open source license. Takes initiative in turning around quick fixes. Promotes the company’s open source efforts through events, articles and word of mouth. Supports the companies open source initiatives.

Quality Control and Continuous Integration – Setup and configure GitHub open source, private and personal repositories with Travis CI and Coveralls. Writes hooks from GitHub and Travis to staging and production environments. Recreate issues clearly. Strictly does not perform work on out of scope items unless authorized by the team lead or project manager. Identify problem sources and recommended absolutions. Escalates and asks for advice about issues when frequently. Uses GitHub issue tracking properly. Sets milestones to a set of issues. Replies to project managers and team leads frequently.

Back End Development – Converts business requirements into objects, event and actions. Creates a usable interface to control objects. Converts events and actions to APIs. Writes code methodically for readability, scalability and reusability. Identifies potential security vulnerabilities and scalability problems before and during development. Documents on written code religiously. Primarily uses object oriented PHP and Node for backend development.

API Development – Translate Facebook, Twitter, Google, PayPal and other popular global and local API documentations into code contributing to the company’s open source libraries. Develops OAuth v2 and v3 specifications for authentication.

Web Development – Creates SEO optimized and mobile responsive HTML5 with CSS3. Implementing Twitter Bootstrap in projects. Properly uses meta and header tags whenever possible. Alphabetizes CSS styles. Uses VueJs to develop interactions and user interfaces. Writes object oriented JavaScript. Applies objects, events and actions in a front end environment. Maintaining an HTML5 Boilerplate. Cases for browser quirks. Writes code using syncronous, require and promises. Writes code methodically for readability, scalability and reusability. Identifies potential security vulnerabilities and scalability problems before and during development. Documents on written code religiously.